Enter username
possible user(s)
This website is not affliated with BarbarousKing or MarblesOnStream, it's a project by a viewer.
Q: Wait, so what is this site?
This is a fan site made to track entrants in streamer BarbarousKing Marbles-On-Stream event.
Q: Hmm.. how does it work?
Marbles-On-Stream doesn't have an API to find people in races, so this site does that. Short answer is that it's watching the stream, removes as much of the background as it can, then sends the image to text recognition to extract the usernames.
So Barb please don't obscure names during the initial scroll
Both the background extract & text recognition are not perfect, so the site is not completely accurate. It uses binarization and OCR to do this.
Q: Ok but how accurate? Am I in or not?
Testing shows it's about ~98% accurate and ~2.3s behind live.
The exact amount can vary depending on obscured names, bitrate, certain letters, etc. There's no way to know 100% because there can be situations where names are unreadable: i.e
Q: So with all this work; you must know the secret of getting into marbles?
Uhhhh... So the short answer is:
The technical explaination is: your chat goes to the Twitch IRC servers which is then downloaded onto Barb's machine. However due to the massive amount of messages sent during Marbles, the messages no longer arrive in order. So generally your message will make it in, but when I have no clue when if it's based on lag to the streamer, ordered, random, etc.
Q: Wait a secon- why not just read Barb's chat on screen then?
Also I can't use Twitch chat as my order is different from Barb's.
Q: Alright so I found a bug. Who do I snitch to?
Just say something on discord or in the #rats-nest. @MiloticMaster
Thanks for using this! barbLove
Improvements: Number of users is more accurate (now ±30 users) Fixed placeholder for user input. Username search is slightly more accurate.
Improvements 0.2.2: Fixed bug with username search Increased avg accuracy to 98% Added lag from LIVE
I fixed it Vove, you happy?